How to cite a video game mla

How to cite a video game mla

In the dynamic world of video game development, staying ahead means mastering not just coding and design, but also academic integrity. This guide will walk you through the art of citing video games using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format, a skill every developer should possess.

Why Cite Games?

Citing games is crucial for two reasons: it acknowledges the work of others and supports your arguments with credible sources. Just as you wouldn’t build a game without a solid foundation, you shouldn’t present ideas without proper citation.

The Basics

When citing a video game in MLA format, follow these steps:

  • Author(s). The creator of the game is usually the developer or development team. If no individual author is listed, use the publisher instead.
  • Title of the Game. Italicize the title and capitalize all major words.
  • Publication Information. This includes the platform (e.g., Xbox One), the publisher, and the year of publication.


Smith, John. *Mystery Island*. Xbox One, Mystery Games, 2019.


Case Study: The Pioneers

Consider Nintendo’s groundbreaking game, *Super Mario Bros.* (Nintendo, 1985). Its innovative design and addictive gameplay revolutionized the industry. By citing this classic, you demonstrate your understanding of gaming history and its impact on modern games.

Citing In-Game Elements

In-game elements like quotes, images, or sounds can also be cited. For example:

Mario. *Super Mario Bros.* Nintendo, 1985. Print.

Expert Opinions

Dr. Jane Doe, a renowned game studies scholar, emphasizes the importance of citing games: “Citations not only give credit where it’s due but also contribute to the broader understanding and appreciation of video games as a legitimate academic subject.”

Real-Life Examples

Imagine you’re developing a game inspired by *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild* (Nintendo, 2017). By citing this game, you acknowledge its influence on your work and provide context for your audience.


1. Do I need to cite every game I mention?

Yes, if you’re using a game as a source or discussing it in detail, it should be cited.

2. What if the game has no listed author or publisher?

In such cases, use the platform as the container and provide the date of publication.

3. Can I cite a game in APA or Chicago style?

Yes, each citation style has its own rules for citing games. Familiarize yourself with these to ensure accurate citations.


Mastering MLA citations for video games is an essential skill for developers. It not only demonstrates academic integrity but also acknowledges the rich history and influence of gaming on modern creations.