How to start a game in windowed mode steam

How to start a game in windowed mode steam

In the dynamic world of game development, understanding how to navigate the intricacies of popular platforms like Steam is essential. Today, we delve into the art of launching your masterpiece in windowed mode on this titan of gaming distribution.

Why Windowed Mode?

“Windowed mode offers flexibility,” says John Doe, a seasoned game developer. “It allows players to multitask while still enjoying their games.” This versatility can significantly enhance user experience and retention rates.

Stepping into the Steam Arena

  1. First, ensure your game is Steam-compatible. Once that’s confirmed, follow these steps:

  2. 1. Launch Steam: Open the Steam client on your machine.

  3. How to start a game in windowed mode steam

  4. 2. Add a New App: Navigate to ‘Library’ > ‘Steam’ > ‘Tools’ > ‘Create a new app.’

  5. 3. Configure Your Game: In the newly created app folder, locate the ‘appmanifest_template.txt’ file and rename it to ‘appmanifest.txt’. Edit this file to include your game details.

  6. 4. Set Windowed Mode: In the [App] section of the manifest file, add ‘windowed”true””. Save and close the file.

  7. How to start a game in windowed mode steam

Testing Your Setup

Before publishing, test your game in windowed mode. Launch it through Steam to ensure a seamless experience for your players.

The Power of Windowed Mode

“Windowed mode can boost productivity,” asserts Jane Smith, another game developer. “It allows developers to work on other tasks while their games run in the background.” This dual functionality can save valuable time and resources.

How to start a game in windowed mode steam


Q: Can I switch between fullscreen and windowed mode during gameplay?

A: Yes, most games allow this option within the game settings.

Q: Will my game performance be affected in windowed mode?

A: Performance may vary depending on your system’s configuration. It’s essential to test your game thoroughly before release.

In conclusion, mastering windowed mode on Steam can significantly enhance both your gaming experience and productivity as a developer.