What does video game code look like

What does video game code look like


Video game code is a fascinating topic for anyone interested in understanding how video games are created. In this article, we will explore what video game code looks like and how it works. We will also discuss some of the tools and technologies used by game developers to create these codes.

What is Video Game Code?

Video game code refers to the programming language used to write the logic and rules that make a video game function. This code can be written in various programming languages such as C++, Python, or JavaScript, depending on the game’s platform and requirements. The code acts as an instruction manual for the game engine, which is responsible for rendering and processing the game world.

Examples of Video Game Code:

Let’s take a look at some examples of video game code to understand what it looks like and how it works.

Example 1: Movements in a First-Person Shooter Game

In a first-person shooter game, the player controls a character that can move around and shoot enemies. The following is an example of code used to control the character’s movements:

while (true) {

// Check if the player presses the movement keys

if (keyboard.isDown(KeyCode.UP)) {



if (keyboard.isDown(KeyCode.DOWN)) {



// Check if the player presses the turn left/right keys

if (keyboard.isDown(KeyCode.LEFT)) {




if (keyboard.isDown(KeyCode.RIGHT)) {



In this code, the player’s movements are controlled by checking if the movement keys are pressed. If the UP key is pressed, the player moves forward, and if the DOWN key is pressed, the player moves backward. Similarly, if the LEFT or RIGHT key is pressed, the player turns left or right, respectively.

Example 2: Collision Detection in a Puzzle Game

In a puzzle game, collision detection is crucial to ensure that objects interact with each other correctly. The following is an example of code used for collision detection:

function update() {

// Check for collisions between objects

for (let i 0; i < objects.length; i++) {

for (let j i + 1; j < objects.length; j++) {

if (objects[i].collidesWith(objects[j])) {

            // Handle collision logic here


In this code, the update function checks for collisions between all objects in the game world. If two objects collide, the code handles the collision logic and applies the necessary effects, such as triggering an event or making the objects bounce off each other.

Tools and Technologies Used in Game Development

Game development requires a wide range of tools and technologies to create engaging and interactive games. Some of the commonly used tools and technologies include:

  1. Game Engines – These are software frameworks that provide developers with